Exactly what it sounds like. This page is for anyone looking to find out what our goals are,
and how close we are to achieving them. Many of these initiatives are tied to a limitation of some
some kind, largely financial, but if there are limitations you feel you may be able to help us
address, please reach out to Thanks for your interest, and
thanks for being here.
Normalize Paid Emotional Labor Program - NPEL
As creatives and LARPers ourselves, the team here at LINC understand that bringing your storytelling goals to life is expensive, and the additional cost of paying for someone to help with sensitivity doesn’t soften that financial blow. Our first initiative is the one that pushed us from being a Facebook page and a list of consultants, to a full blown non-profit: helping creators pay for sensitivity readings and diversity consultants. Planned to launch in Q1 2022.
Current Limitations: Launched Q1 2022!
Our plan is to have a quarterly program with a small application fee, and to choose from the list of applicants based on financial need and other factors. We currently hope to grant up to $500 to applicants in Q3 2021. We believe our Q2 2021 Fundraiser will help us to hit this goal, as well as the NPEL for Q4. Eventually this initiative will evolve into helping more NPEL recipients with more money in perpetuity.
Consultant Education Program
It’s important that anyone who works with LINC has the tools available to them to do the work they need to do. We have some ideas to help with that. More details and information as we get closer to these goals.
Phase 1: Knowledge Is Power -Every new consultant gets to choose from a growing list of recommended reading selections (in audiobook, PDF, or physical media) just for helping push our mission. Additionally, for each book from this selection the consultant reads, we’ll put a star next to their name on our directory, bringing you a little more attention when people are browsing. Also, because stars are great. We love stars.
Phase 2: Book Club - This is an evolution of Phase 1. Every time one of our consultants finishes a consulting contract or completes a sensitivity reading that came through LINC, we’ll buy them a relevant book of their choosing. Education is important, and we’re here to support it however we can.
Phase 3: Pro Dev - Let’s kick it up a notch. We’ll go ‘halfsies’ on a seminar, webinar, or professional development class (to a certain dollar amount) to keep our consultants in the know.
Current Limitations: Recurring Donations (Patreon), Suggested Reading List
To fund such a goal, we would need enough monthly recurring donations to be able to support the work. We’ll roll this out in the phases mentioned above as we are able to. Additionally, we need more suggestions on books related to diversity coaching, LARP, Immersive Theatre, Roleplay, and other relevant mediums…then we have to read those books.